
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mid July Update


It is the middle of July! It seems like time has flown by this month. It is hot as ever in Austin, Texas and it does not look like we are supposed to get rain anytime soon. For the past few days I have been working to figure out what we can do to help out more clinics. We have a product that could be very useful to clinics, regarless of whether they are a hospital clinic, vet clinic, dental clinic, or even a church, etc. We have a few systems that are low budget options that allow you to run your own private paging system and get very reliable service with a guaranteed 2-7 second recieving time after you have sent the page. This can help to prevent people from waiting in line, let nurses or doctors know when they are needed in different locations, allow administrators to quickly communicate information to doctors/nurses when they are in a location where they cannot be accessed by phone/email. It is definitely worth checking out if you fall into these categories, we do not mind talking to you!

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