
Wednesday, May 25, 2011 site down

Hi Everyone,

If you have made it here, we have cleared the first hurdle, but as you may now, the website is currently down. We had planned to make a smoother transition from the old website to the new, but it was taken down before we were ready with the new site. We are working to get everything moved over as quickly as possible. The outage includes email and website, so we apologize for the downtime, but we are working as quick as we can to get everything up and running. Sorry again for the inconvenience.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Widata's New Divisions, LLC is expanding our product offering and creating four new divisions in order to market our products and services properly.

Widata Solutions will market our small business solutions including wireless, local, and internet services, PBX (hosted and on-site) sales, and office wiring and phone systems. Widata Systems will be marketing our large enterprise systems products.

Widata Pagers will continue to market our wholesale pagers and wireless devices and the Widata Institute of Technology will provide all of the training classes and installation services for the Widata companies.

These distinctions will aid in the marketing efforts of the company and allow for future growth as we identify new markets and product segments. We look forward to tremendous growth for the remainder of 2011 and beyond.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Welcome to the new Widata!

We are super excited to be able to start rolling out some new changes to Widata. Check back early and often for changes starting with our new website!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wireless Data Solutions

Hi Everyone,

Big news is coming soon for We have seen the development of our business into two major divisions over the last couple of years: Widata Systems and Widata Pagers. We expect to continue to see a strong future for these divisions and will be clarifying and strengthening them in the coming weeks.

Stay Tuned!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mid July Update


It is the middle of July! It seems like time has flown by this month. It is hot as ever in Austin, Texas and it does not look like we are supposed to get rain anytime soon. For the past few days I have been working to figure out what we can do to help out more clinics. We have a product that could be very useful to clinics, regarless of whether they are a hospital clinic, vet clinic, dental clinic, or even a church, etc. We have a few systems that are low budget options that allow you to run your own private paging system and get very reliable service with a guaranteed 2-7 second recieving time after you have sent the page. This can help to prevent people from waiting in line, let nurses or doctors know when they are needed in different locations, allow administrators to quickly communicate information to doctors/nurses when they are in a location where they cannot be accessed by phone/email. It is definitely worth checking out if you fall into these categories, we do not mind talking to you!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

July Updated

We are 8 days into the month of July already and it feels like this has the making to be a very successful month for me both on a personal level for Widata. So far our new ad campaign has been doing well. We generated a very promising lead today from it and hopefully will have more to share on that as time passes. In the mean time, we have been working on getting a page together for those specifically looking for on site paging system solutions. If that is you the link is:

I think you will find the information very useful. If that not specifically what you are looking for let me know and I will get you information on what you are looking for.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New marketing campaign for July

Widata released a new marketing campaign for July that all of us here are very excited about. Our concentrations are going to be on old Emergin users along with Government, Military, and Clinic paging system users.

We have created new pages on our site specifially customized to each of those industries:

This should help lead to a successful July for Widata, along with very satisfied customers who realized there is real value in what we have to offer. If you are a potential client, please give us a call. We are more than willing to work to find a customized solution that best fits your needs.